Web App for Nurses

I developed a web app to streamline nurse-patient assignments, enhancing efficiency and replacing traditional whiteboard methods. The project focused on user-friendly design and practical testing with nurses, culminating in a marketing website to effectively promote the app.



Testing & UX

UI Design


Initially unaware of the workflow challenges nurses faced, I immersed myself in understanding their day-to-day operations, specifically their use of whiteboards for patient assignments. This involved direct engagement with nurses to grasp their needs and pain points.


  • Problem Statement: Nurses were relying on inefficient whiteboards for patient assignments, leading to time-consuming hand-offs and a cumbersome workflow.
  • Hypothesis: Developing a web app could streamline the nurse-patient assignment process, making it quicker and more efficient.


After documenting the existing workflow, I identified redundancies and flaws. I then conceptualized new workflows using the Acuity app, aiming to reduce tasks and enhance speed.


I developed the UI/UX for the progressive web app (PWA), focusing on user-friendly interfaces where essential information was easily accessible. The design emphasized speed and accuracy, essential for nurses' tasks.


We employed Hotjar to analyze how nurses interacted with the work-in-progress prototypes. Following a successful beta test with nurses, we developed a marketing website to promote the tool, integrating React JS for web development, ensuring a seamless and effective user experience.

Screenshot of Style Guide

Preview of Hotjar Testing

Final Designs for Web App

Marketing Website

Click here to see the live site!