UI/UX Mobile Game

In my recent game, players guide an alien through space using planetary gravity to grab collectibles. I crafted intuitive UI/UX with Figma and Processing for quick prototyping and teamwork with engineers, balancing strategy and entertainment in this space odyssey.



Testing & UX

UI Design


  • Problem Statement: "Players need an engaging and challenging game that is easy to learn but hard to master, set in a captivating space environment."
  • Hypothesis: "By designing a game that combines gravitational mechanics with rewarding challenges, we can increase player engagement and satisfaction."


In the ideation phase for my game project, I explored various creative concepts to merge the game's unique physics-based mechanics with an intuitive user interface. My focus was on designing gameplay that was engaging yet not overly complex, ensuring that the gravitational dynamics were both a challenge and a delight for players. I considered different layout options, control schemes, and visual cues that would make the game's space navigation both accessible and exciting. This process involved sketching out multiple design iterations and thinking outside the box to create an experience that was not only enjoyable but also deeply immersive in its space adventure theme.


For the prototyping phase of my game, "Alien Runner," I began by building an interactive concept in Processing, a JavaScript-based environment, to clearly communicate my vision to the engineering team. Collaborating closely with two engineers, we brought the initial gameplay to life.

Following this, I crafted the UI/UX in Figma, creating a coherent visual language and seamless navigation, and used Dev Mode to hand off design assets to the developers effectively. After establishing a solid game foundation, we launched a beta version through TestFlight. This allowed us to gather valuable in-person feedback on game mechanics from a diverse set of players, ensuring a well-rounded and engaging final product.

Screenshot of my process book (contact for full version

Prototype of the game

Asset Sheet

Working with engineer on Godot


Published to Apple App Store and Google Play Store

We debuted our game on TestFlight, inviting players to test the beta version and share their thoughts. Based on the feedback, we're fine-tuning the design and gameplay—specifically, the alien's speed and the in-game store pricing. These refinements are crucial for us as we edge closer to the official release of version 1.0.

Marketing the Mobile Game

The next challenge was showcasing our game globally. We are designing an informative landing page to highlight our creation and are initiating a social media campaign to spark curiosity. Continuously enhancing the app with insights from reviews and user feedback is our ongoing commitment. We invite you to experience the fun and adventure that awaits in our game!

Marketing Site (Coming Soon)